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How to Start a Hookah 如何开始享受水烟生活 (一)

时间:2018年04月03日 12:49 | 分类:水烟新闻 , 水烟知识 | 发布者:树的烟具

Hookah is an instrument used for vaporizing and smoking flavored tobacco. The vapor or smoke is passed through a water basin before inhalation and produces a lot of smoke. To learn how to set up your hookah correctly, add the tobacco properly, and heat up your charcoal, read on!


In a Hurry?

To start setting up your hookah, fill the base with water, and add ice to keep the smoke cool on your throat. Then, connect the shaft with the hose that is used for smoking. Choose any flavor of shisha, break it apart with your hands, and sprinkle it into the bowl. Make sure you leave your shish loose so air can flow through it. Then, purchase a hookah screen to cover the bowl of the hookah, or create one using aluminum foil. For help adding the charcoal and heating up the hookah properly, keep reading!
要开始组装调整你的水烟壶,添加适量的水,并加入冰块,以保持烟雾的冷凝状态。 然后,将壶与用于吸烟的软管(烟管)连接。 选择自己喜欢的烟膏味道,用手将其分开,并将其置入于碗中。 置入的时候保持烟膏的松散,以便空气可以更好的流通。 然后,使用锡纸或克劳克包覆烟碗(锡纸需要扎孔或购买插孔的)。 锡纸上方放上引燃过的木炭即可(通透完全变红的木炭非有火苗的)!



Setting Up the Hookah




Clean the hookah.Even if the hookah is brand new, clean it to remove any foreign flavors and chemicals. Scrub every piece of the hookah with a soft brush, except for the non-washable hoses.[1]
It’s easiest to clean the hookah right after each smoking session, instead of leaving residue to dry. At minimum, clean after every fourth or fifth session.

如果首次使用,需要完整的清洁水烟壶。即便水烟壶是全新的,也同样需要清洁它,以便去除制造和运输过程中产生的异味和其他物质。 [1]除了不可清洗的软管之外,尽量用软毛刷擦洗水烟壶的每一个地方。
每次吸烟后立即清洗水烟壶最容易,残迹很难清洗。 使用4~5次必须有一次彻底的清洗,参照首次使用。



Learn the terminology.There are many parts to a hookah, but it’s not too tough to figure out. Here are the terms used in the instructions below:
Base— The lowest section of the hookah. This can be detached and filled with water.
Shaft— The main vertical body of the hookah. The lower end has astemthat sits in the water.
Gasket— Silicone or rubber “donuts.” Anywhere two parts fit together, you need one of these to make the connection airtight. Also called agrommet.
Valves— Each smoking hose fits over a valve, located on the shaft.
Bowl— The container at the top that holds hookah tobacco, also calledshisha.


相关知识与术语。水烟壶有很多组成部分,但并不难弄清楚。 以下是说明中使用的术语:
瓶身- 水烟袋的最下方部分。 储水并过滤烟雾中的杂质。
杆子 – 水烟筒的主要垂直结构。 底部链接瓶身,有下水管。
垫圈 – 有机硅或橡胶。 两个部件合在一起,需要使用橡胶垫圈保持气密性。
喇叭口 – 每根吸烟管都安装在杆子的喇叭口处,对应部件是气帽。
烟碗 – 容纳果燃或烟膏的装置。



Fill the base with water.Check the “stem,” or thin lowest part of the shaft. Add enough water to submerge the stem about an inch (2.5 cm) under the water. Avoid overfilling the base, as the layer of air makes the smoke smooth and easier to pull.

Add ice to keep the smoke cool and less harsh.
Some people enjoy mixing the water with other liquids for additional flavors, such as juice or vodka. Most drinks will work, but stay away from milk and dairy products, which can ruin the hookah


在瓶子中加水。 加入足够的水,水的最高处高于下水管约一~二英寸(2.5厘米)。 避免水过量,吸起来会比较费力,较少会造成气爆,降低体验感。
有些人喜欢将水与其他液体混合以获得其他口味,如果汁或伏特加。 大多数饮料都可以使用,但远离牛奶和乳制品,可能影响水烟的口感。



Connect the shaft and hoses.Attach the silicone or rubber gasket to the top of the base. Push the main shaft into the gasket to ensure an airtight seal. Confirm that the stem reaches 1 inch (2.5 cm) under the water. Use the smaller gaskets to fit the hoses over the valves on the shaft’s side.
Some hookah models will leak air unless every valve is attached to a hose or a rubber stopper. Others are self-sealing.


连接喇叭口和软管。中间需要使用壶连管胶套连接。 杆子上面加橡胶垫并置入瓶身。 确认杆在水下达到1英寸(2.5厘米)。




Test it for gaps.Cover the hole at the top of the hookah shaft with your palm. Try to inhale through one of the hoses. If you succeed in pulling in air, one of the connections is not airtight. Inspect each connection and correct this:
If you’re having trouble fitting a part inside a gasket, wet the gasket with water or a drop of dish soap.[4]
If a connection is a little loose, wrap the stem with electrical tape and fit the gasket over the tape.[5]
If you’re missing a gasket, wrap athletic tape around the stem.[6]Keep wrapping until you can connect the two parts with a tight fit.


测试气密性。用手掌覆盖水烟筒顶部的孔。 尝试通过其中一根软管吸入。 如果你能吸进空气,就说明其中一个某处密封不好。 检查喇叭口、烟管、壶连瓶胶套:




本文链接:How to Start a Hookah 如何开始享受水烟生活 (一)



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